About Us
Zara Dyer
Zara – I have been a qualified Scuba Diving Instructor since 2008 and stumbled across a diving job in Portsmouth where I met my partner, Ian. We have worked different jobs around the world from teaching Scuba Diving in Fiji, to guiding tourists around reefs in the Caribbean and nursing in New Zealand. I love exploring so Ian and I took travel advantage of living in different locations by visiting their neighbouring countries too. We’ve never spent much money on material things as these can disappear, but experiences can never be taken away. Good and bad experience are all relevant and the ‘JOGLE’ challenge was another one we accomplished together.

ian Brown
Ian – Since Zara’s accident I have become her primary carer, which has given me a completely different outlook on life. I think that we all take the little things in life for granted, but until you have something taken away from you you really don’t realise how important they are. Planning, training and preparation for the John O’Groats to Lands End (JOGLE) walk was challenging, but it has not put us off. I have recently started an undergraduate degree in Business and Tourism whilst we plan our future challenges. The journey so far has been tough but it gets a little easier everyday and to complete ‘JOGLE’ with Zara by my side was one of the proudest days in my life.
3Million Steps
We decided on this name for 2 main reasons. Firstly, from the literal point of view that our first big challenge of walking 1064miles from John O’Groats to Lands End, UK (JOGLE) would take about 3 Million Steps. We were told that it just takes one step, repeated 2.5 million times.
The second is from a symbolic point that there are no 5 quick and easy steps to any recovery be it physical, emotional or mental. 3 million is a large number, but not unachievable with the right input. After all, we are proof. Take any recovery systematically; one step at a time, and before you know it you’ve walked two countries!